Resultados: 2

Integração ensino-serviço em saúde: diálogos possíveis a partir da cogestão de coletivos

Objective: To analyze the Pró-Saúde management from an intersectoral dialogical space of teaching-service integration. Method: A case study whose information was produced by observing meetings of intersectoral management instances and interviews with Health Training Prism members, between 2012 and 201...

The construction of permanent education in the process of health work in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Objective: To analyze the practices of Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS - Permanent Education in Health) and its repercussions on the work process of the involved actors. Method: This is a qualitative study, developed in two phases: mapping of EPS experiments in Minas Gerais and visits and interview...